We first see him in Act 5 wearing the school uniform. Isaac Damon (voiced by: Anthony Sardinha) - Austin's best friend and Alyssa's love interest later in the series.Madelyn Foster (voiced by: Sarah Wiedenheft) - Austin's sister and the main supporting role of the series, since she's the one that named Austin's alter ego, Alyssa, and proposed the idea of using Sili-Gel to Austin.

Her figure is sculpted by using Sili-Gel, an idea Madelyn proposed to Austin so that he would look more feminine. Alyssa (voiced by: Brittany Lauda) - the alter ego Austin makes for himself in order to play the female lead role in the school play.Even if he was shorter and smaller than all his classmates and suffers a medical condition that didn't let him properly go through puberty, that doesn't make him feel any less of a man than all of his friends. Austin Foster (voiced by: Brittany Lauda) - a drama student that always stood out for being the best actor in West Cincinnati High drama club.Artists: Chelsea London, Travis Pursell, Fil Romero, Jeremy Pursell, Gabriel Dolci.Animators: Mimi Alves, Ryan Brown, Hector Amavizca, Zimablish McCurtis.With a drama scholarship on the line, Austin might need to get creative…” Production However, his below average stature leaves him out of starring in the biggest play of the year. “Many consider Austin to be his school’s best actor.